Innovative Teaching
Use of ICT (Information Communication Technology) Tools
- Smart pads with Google Classroom: It completely changes the process of putting pen to paper. With a single click, it instantly digitises handwriting and diagrams.
- Video lectures, handouts, and laboratory manuals are uploaded to the online learning platform VOLP. Students join the classroom with a unique class code.
- Learning by doing is experienced through project-based and project-centric learning. It includes Course Projects, Engineering Design and Innovation (EDI) Projects, Software Development Projects, Major Projects and Internships.
- Use of short videos, animation and demonstration models to explain the concepts.
- Meaningful engagement of students through Group Discussion, Seminar and Innovative Home Assignments (Blog, Design, Case Study or Survey)
- Use of virtual labs for effective understanding of practical concepts
- We encourage students to enhance their skill sets through online learning platforms like Coursera, NPTEL, Udemy, etc. For example, Software Engineering students have completed an agile certification through a Google course on Coursera.
- Recorded lectures by faculty members on courses such as Software Engineering, Database Management Systems, Computer Networks, etc., are available on YouTube. Sample links are provided in the following table.
Innovations in Instructional Delivery and Methods:
- Fun learning activities, such as concept-oriented role plays and group discussions, are planned in the classroom with the student’s participation.
- The department has arranged expert sessions with international speakers and industry experts to enrich the student’s knowledge of recent technologies used in the industry.
- VOLP is a learning management system (LMS) developed by the Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (VIT) in Pune. Faculty members prepare interactive videos (periodic pop-up quizzes embedded within the videos), lab assignments and reference materials. Students can access this material using a smartphone or web browser. It encourages self-learning and instructor-guided flipped classrooms.

Innovations in Assessment and Evaluation:
- VOLP is a learning platform designed to provide a robust, secure, and integrated system for creating a personalised learning environment. Faculty members use the VOLP platform to assess students through MCQ-based tests.
- The students are given challenging statements during the practical session to solve real-time problems. Every student creates a code to represent the given statement. It enhances students’ critical thinking and coding abilities.
- IPR awareness sessions are conducted to inculcate a research attitude. As a result, students have filed copyrights on their lab work.
- Continuous assessment is carried out for home assignments, group discussions, course projects, lab work, and presentations.
- A faculty member panel conducts mid-semester examinations of internships, major projects, SDP and EDI projects. An end-semester examination of the same is carried out along with industry professionals.
For Course Projects and EDAI projects / major projects, we suggest students to upload it on Github.
Sample Github link-