Research at Vishwakarma Institute of Technology


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P. Nakade, D. Bhatkhande, M. Deosarkar, S. Jabade, H. Watve, and C. Kapadnis, “Fluoride Removal from Aqueous Solutions via Adsorption Using Raw, Calcined, and Chemically Treated Laterite Mineral”, Int. J. Ecol. Env. Sci., Feb. 2024, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 451–457.

Kulkarni, Kavita & Kurhade, Sunny & Chendake, Yogesh & Kulkarni, Anand & Satpute, Satchidanand, “Utilization of Low Cost Biofertilizers for Adsorptive Removal of Congo Red Dye”, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, (2024), Volume 111, Number 3, Page 1.

Bhattacharjee, T., Khadilkar, P., Ketkar, U., Mahajan, U., Mishra, A., & Kohade, A, “Modelling and study of lithium iron phosphate nanoparticles as cathode material for lithium-ion battery” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023, December, (Vol. 2901, No. 1).

Karne, H.; Raut, H. , Roshan Baviskar , Saket Rokde , Neha Ravnang and Darshan RathodBiogas Production from Canteen WasteInt. J. Chem. Reactor Eng. 2023,21(12), 1455-1463.

Hemlata U. Karne, Pranov Harale, Rushi Firodiya, Shreyas Gandhi, Shreya Gore, Rutuja Khalse, Effect of Egg Shell Manureon Growth of Fenugreek Plant, Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 2023, Vol. 10 No. 1S (2023): Special Issue 1, 5614-5634

G. Gawande, P. Ghadge, V. Kale, J. Girase, P. Sonar, and K. Khapre, “Sewage treatment process for household purposes,” J. Data Acquisition Process.,2023, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 4256–4263.

Sheela Chinchmalatpure, Manik Deosarkar, Mihir Gole, Saumeen Phansalkar, Sanika Joshi, Vasundhara Iyer, Vishwajeet Mahamuni; Increasing shelf life of liquid jaggery. AIP Conf. Proc. 15 December 2023; 2901 (1): 020007.

Rakhi Pete, Dr. Manik Deosarkar, “Automatic Braking System”, J. Electrical Systems (2024), 20-7s: 957-964

Hemlata U. Karne, Aftab A. Sharif, “Study of Different Parameters of Mixing on Biogas Production from Food Waste”,E3S Web of Conferences, (2023) 405, 02002.

Karne, Hemlata, and Shrikaant Kulkarni. “Role of Green Nanomaterials in Sustainable Agriculture.” Advances in Green and Sustainable Nanomaterials. Apple Academic Press, 2023. 281-310.

Gayatri D. Gawande, Dipak V. Pinjari, Prakash V. Chavan, Degradation of neomycin using hydrodynamic cavitation-based hybrid techniques, Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification, 2023, Volume 193, 109543.

    Priya G. Nakade, Dhananjay S. Bhatkhande, Manik P. Deosarkar,  Siddharth K. Jabade, Shraddha Khamparia &  Hemant C. Watve, India’s water health: region-wise quality assessment of treated and untreated water, Sustainable Water Resources Management,2022, 8(20), 158164

    Ghadge, S.; Shrivastava, S.; Kausley, S. B.; Satpute, S.; Badve, M.; Pandit, A. A.; Rai, B.; Pandit, A. B.ANN Modelling of Hydrodynamic Cavitation for the Degradation of Rhodamine B DyeJ. Water Process Eng.2022, 47,102759–102768. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.102759.

    Gawande, G. D.; Pinjari, D. V.; Chavan, P. V.Degradation of Tartrazine Using Hydrodynamic Cavitation-Based Hybrid Techniques and Fenton ChemistryChem. Eng. Technol. 2022, 45(6), 11481157. DOI: 10.1002/ceat.202100419

    Khobragade, S.; Dr. Hemlata Karne, A. Short Review on PVD Technology Used for Coated Cutting Tools. Int. J. Adv. Eng. Manag. (IJAEM) 2022, 4(9), 220235.

    Gawande, G.; Rucha Dandekar, OMmpar Channa, Harshali Birari, Troubleshooting Talathi, S.; Sayyad, S.; Iyer, K.; Deosarkar, M. Plant Design, Simulation and Economic Analysis of Acrylic Plant Using Aspen Hysis 2022, 9(11), 179188. Remedies. Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng., 10(4), 154165.

    Suyog Ghadge, Surabhi Shrivastava, Shankar B. Kausley, Satchidanand Satpute, Mandar Badve, Anala A. Pandit, Beena Rai, Aniruddha B. Pandit, “ANN modeling of Hydrodynamic Cavitation for the degradation of Rhodamine B dye”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, Volume 47, 102759.

    Amruta Mokashi, Pranov Harale and Sandesh Chougule., et al. “Vegan Leather from Kombucha Tea and Scoby”. Medicon Engineering Themes 3.6 (2022): 70-75.

    Sanika Talathi, Sohel Sayyed, Karthik Iyer, Prof. Dr. Manik Deosarkar, “Plant Design Simulation and Economic Analysis of Acrylic Acid Plant Using Aspen HYSYS”, GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL, 2022, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, pp- 179-206

    Kodolikar Kulkarni, S.P.K.; Bhatkhande, D. S.Prediction of Effectiveness of Solvent Using Distribution Coefficient Calculation in Solvent Extraction with the Help of Hansen Solubility ParametersSep. Sci. Technol. 2021, 56(6), 10841093. DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2020.1755691

      Thombare, M. A.; Kalaga, D. V.; Bankar, S. B.; Kulkarni, R. K.; Satpute, S. R.; Chavan, P. V. Solid Novel Multistage Solid Liquid Multistage Bed-Liquid Phase Mixing Characteristics. Part.Sci. Technol.2020, 38(2), 144155.

      Ghale, P.; Chinchanikar, T.; Jain, P.; Kavitake, T.; Tembhurnikar, A.; Kamale, T.Nagnath Vivek , Homemade Bioplastic, International Journal of AdvanceResearch in Science and Engineering; Vol. 7(03), 2018, p 6.

      Wagale, N.; Gunjal, G.; Undegaonkar, G.; Godse, A.; Kahate, O.; Dhamane, S. Nagnath Vivek , Face-Wash from Cow Urine. Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng.2018, 7(3), 562571.

      Chougale, S.; Rokade, D.; Bhattacharjee, T.; Pol, H.; Dhadwal, R. Non-isothermal Analysis of Extrusion Film Casting Using Multi-mode Phan-Thien Tanner Constitutive Equation and Comparison with Experiments. Rheol. Acta 2018, 57 (6–7), 493503. DOI: 10.1007/s00397-018-1095-7

        Wali, A.; Gorain, M.; Inamdar, S.; Kundu, G.; Badiger, M.In Vivo Wound Healing Performance of Halloysite Clay and Gentamicin-Incorporated Cellulose Ether-PVA Electrospun Nanofiber Mats

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