ATAL Sponsored Faculty Development Program on Statistics For Industrial Data Analysis
Duration: 13 – 18 Jan , 2025
Speakers- Distinguished Industry Personnel
Coverage of Topics – Use of Statistics Solution to Industrial Problem using R Studio

Faculty Development Program on Emerging Technological Trends in Industry
Duration: 11 – 15 March, 2024
Speakers- Distinguished Industry Personnel
Coverage of Topics – Use of AI & ML in Self Driving Cars, LiDAR Sensor and it’s Applications, Explo

IEEE International Conference- IEEE Punecon2020- 16th – 18th December 2020
The Department of E&TC has organised an IEEE international conference, “IEEE PuneCon 2020”, from 18-20 December 2020.
The conference was organised by Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, in association with IEEE Pune Section.
Dignitaries at national and international levels graced the conference. Dr Toshio Fukuda, IEEE President; Dr Ananad Deshpande, Chairman of Persistent Systems; Dr Deepak Mathur; and Dr Suresh Nair graced the inaugural function. Dr Anil Sahasrabudhe, Chairman of AICTE, was the chief guest for the valedictory function.
Dr Jayanta Mukhopadhyay, Professor, IIT Kharagpur; Mr Mahesh Kshirsagar, Chief Technology Officer—Analyst & Insights, Tata Consultancy Services; Dr. Takako Hoshimoto, IEEE; Linda Uslaner, Program Director, IEEE CollabratecTM, New York; Tiffany Mckerhan, IEEE—Manager, Author Engagement & Support, New Jersey; Dr. Subhasis Chaudhuri, Director, IIT Bombay; and Dr. Sudip Misra, Professor, IIT Kharagpur, delivered keynote speeches.
The authors presented and published papers in research fields such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Big Data, IoT, Advocacy Networks, and Automation.
AICTE Sponsored One Week STTP on “Academic Innovations in Industry 4.0”
The Department of E&TC Engineering organised an AICTE-sponsored One-Week Online STTP on “Academic Innovations in Industry 4.0,” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Shripad Bhatlawande, in three phases.
Online Mode:
Phase 1- 19-24 Oct.2020
Phase 2- 2-7 Nov. 2020
Phase 3- 14-19 Dec. 2020
Total participants of STTP – 200
This AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) provides a Multidisciplinary understanding of Industry 4.0 and allied Technologies. It ensures your comprehensive knowledge of Sensor Technologies and advanced topics in Artificial Intelligence. This STTP offers an A to Z understanding of Sensor Selection and Integration, Statistical Methods, machine learning, Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning Models, Additive Manufacturing, and the Industrial Internet of Things. STTP highlighted the Academic Challenges of coping with technological advancements. Academic innovations will be made in curriculum, teaching-learning methodology, evaluation schemes, and research initiatives regarding projects, proposals, patents, publications, and consultancies.
Course Highlights:
- Sensor Technologies
- Internet of Things
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Data Science
- Data Visualisation
- Deep Learning Models
- Business Innovation
- Real-World Case Studies
- Academia-Industry
AICTE Sponsored One Week Online STTP on “GPU Computing”
The Department of E&TC Engineering organised a three-phase AICTE-sponsored One-Week Online STTP on “GPU Computing,” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Shripad Bhatlawande.
Phase 1: 26th October to 31st October 2020
Phase 2: 23rd November to 28th November 2020
Phase 3: 26th July to 31st July 2021
This STTP was organised to provide an in-depth understanding of GPU Architecture and Programming. The major topics covered in the STTP were an A-to-Z understanding of Parallel Processing, Multiprocessor Environments, GPU Architecture, Memory Organization, CUDA Programming, PyCUDA, Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Deep Learning Applications of GPUs.
During all three phases of STTP, three-panel discussions were conducted on the three most promising academic industry-relevant topics. Eighteen members from Industry participated in these panel discussions and provided valuable suggestions and insights on the issues. 135 participants from academia and Industry had participated in these STTPs
AICTE Sponsored FDP on “Machine Learning and Data Analytics”, 9th to 20th December 2019

E&TC Department organised an AICTE Sponsored FDP on “Machine Learning and Data Analytics” from 9th to 20th December 2019, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Shripad Bhatlawande.
Total number of participants – 34
Dr Aditya Gokhale, Director, R&D, VMware, was the keynote speaker. Dr Aditya Abhyankar, Dean, DOT, SPPU, Pune; Dr Biswajit Biswas, Media Labs, MIT, USA & Chief Data Scientist, Tata Elxsi, Bengaluru; Mr Shripad Pandit, Project Manager, TCS, Pune; Dr Manasi Patwardhan, Research Scientist, Tata Research Ltd., Pune, Mrs. Manjiri Bhindwale, Data Scientist and Mr. Ravindra Chougule, Renishaw were some of the eminent speakers from Industry and Academia. The FDP covered topics such as machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, computer vision, autonomous vehicles, and GPU computing.
AICTE Sponsored STTP on “Medical Image Processing and Image Analysis”, 2nd – 7th December 2019

E&TC Department organised an AICTE-sponsored STTP on “Medical Image Processing and Image Analysis” from 2nd – 7th December 2019, coordinated by Prof. Dr Swati Shilaskar.
Dr Jayanta Mukhopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur, Dr Debdoot Sheet, IIT Kharagpur, Dr Mukul Sutaone, College of Engineering, Pune and various other experts from Industry, Academia and Medical Practitioners led the participants into interactive lectures and hands-on sessions on Medical imaging, pathological image analysis, MRI image modalities and processing, machine learning for medical diagnostics, USG image analysis, fundus imaging, imaging for vision assistance, X-Ray imaging and deep learning & machine learning techniques for disease diagnosis.
Workshop on “Engineering Applications in Astronomy”

Department of E&TC Engineering organised a Workshop on “Engineering Applications in Astronomy ” from 19th to 24th August 2019 at VIT, Pune in association with Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) and Infosys Foundation, coordinated by Prof. Shital Pawar. The workshop aimed to provide a platform for engineering students to get ready for the upcoming astronomical mega projects through some hands-on approach and perceive how astronomical instrumentation challenges are being taken up for the next-generation technology. The experiments conducted here were new and different from the UG PG lab experiments, thereby giving an insight into Astronomical application and understanding of the engineering concepts. A visit to Giant Meterwave Radio Telecsope (GMRT) and IUCAA Garawali Observatory (IGO) was also carried out during the workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by Hon. Bharatji Agarwal, Executive Director and Managing Trustee, VIT Pune. Inaugural function was graced by the presence of Dr. Somak Raychaudhury, Director, IUCAA, Dr. A.N.Ramprakash, Professor and Head of Instrumentation Laboratory, IUCAA, Mr. Jameer Manur, Research Electronics Engineer, IUCAA, Prof. Dr. Swati Shilaskar, Dean SCCG, VIT and Prof. Dr. Shripad Bhatlawande, Head E&TC Engineering, VIT. Total number of participants for this workshop was 38.