Department Location:
Building No-1, Third Floor, VIT, Pune
Year Established:
Prof Dr P P Ghadekar
UG Programme:
Information Technology (IT)
Research Programme:
Information Technology
Inside the Department
An innovative leader in Information Technology.

I will always cherish the memories of my 4 years in VIT. Apart from the academic rigour the college gave me a wide exposure to various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which were enriching, fulfilling and fun. I was fortunate to be the part of the team which founded the literary event “Epiphany” and the technical fest for Computers & IT Dept “Techstasy” in 2003. These events gave me the confidence to take up further leadership roles in the college and later life. Being an avid quizzer, our college teams participated in various inter-college quizzes in Pune and outside for which our faculty was very supportive even if it meant lesser attendance. Thanks to initiatives of the college such as project competitions and support of the Placements Office, we were exposed to some of the best recruiting companies. The overall experience including classes, projects, exams, sports, events, gathering has left long lasting impressions and lifelong friendships.
Salil Bijur
VIT Information Technology 2006

Fantastic learning experience for All Round Development of an Engineer. Faculty members are extremely sincere and have good connection with students. College is very supportive and encourages students for taking up different opportunities. Students are motivated in bringing innovation in their projects. College encourages for more research paper publications and patents. College provides platform to showcase and develop talent in students. Thanks and best regards.
Swanand Kulkarni
VIT Information Technology 2009

In my final year, when I had so many exams to give and I had broken my foot and there were submissions and major projects to do, the faculty was immensely helpful in accommodating my issues. It very generously gave me time to prepare for external exams, go for my interviews and yet be back for timely submissions. The thing I liked best about VIT was that the campus although small, gave a sense of togetherness with the entire faculty as well as students from all branches. No one felt disconnected. Plus the various Extra courses made me the person that I am today.
Riya Sarkar
VIT Information Technology 2017

VIT is a place full of fun-learning, enthusiasm, competition, and an innovative atmosphere. The industry adaptive learning approach of VIT helped me to learn emerging technologies and mend them in my projects. The faculty were supportive and approachable. I remember how they motivated me for my GATE preparation and provided all support along with my regular studies. The department had put all efforts in conducting workshops to develop skills in us and promoted us to be part of a competitive environment and participate in various presentations, hackathons, startup idea platforms, etc. The learning approach which I developed here proved to be a strong foundation for my Masters at NIT, Surathkal.
Mitika Dodiya
VIT Information Technology 2017