Events and Highlights at Vishwakarma Institute of Technology


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  1. Secured All India Rank 3 in the ‘Micro Class’ category 
  2. Second place in Best Design Report in the ‘Micro Class’ category
  1. All India Rank 1 Overall Winner in the Combustion Category
  2. All India Rank 1 in Overall Dynamic Events
  3. First in Endurance Event
  4. First in Autocross Event
  5. First in Fuel Efficiency
  6. Second in Skid Pad Event
  7. Second in Acceleration Event
  8. Best Use of Matlab Award
  1. The first team to clear TI
  2. Blc 1st
  3. Engineering design 1st
  4. Engineering excellence 1st
  5. CAE 1st
  6. Autocross 1st
  1. Third place in Best Aerodynamic Analysis(CFD) 
  2. Third place in Best Aerodynamic Analysis(CFD)