Central Library
Bajrangdas Lohiya Central

The main objective of Bajrangdas Lohiya Central Library, established in the year 1984, is to support the educational & research programmes of the Institute by providing physical and intellectual access to information consistent with the present and anticipated educational and research functions of the Institute.
The Bajrangdas Lohiya Central library has
- Reference Section
- Journal Section
- Reading Hall
- Stack Room
The Library has a unique collection of encyclopedias, handbooks, textbooks, journals, video cassettes, CDs, BI standards, video courses, and a remarkable collection of competitive exams (MPSC/UPSC).
The Library uses SLIM 21EX Library Management software. This software comprises acquisitions, cataloguing circulation, serial control, article indexing and WEB OPAC modules.
Celebrating the Joy of Reading!
VIT Pune recently hosted a vibrant celebration of the “Maharashtra Reading Initiative – Journey into the World of Books” at the Bajrangdas Lohiya Central Library. The event was a resounding success, fostering a love for literature and encouraging active participation among students.
Salient Features
- Open Access System for all our students and staff
- Bar – Code/QR- Code-based Issue / Return facility
- Online Public Access Catalogue facility (also available on intranet)
- Internet / Multimedia / Scanning / CD & DVD’s Write facility
- Reprographic facility
- Book bank facility for reserve category students
- Providing Print National & International Journals & Magazines
- Provide access to iThenticate Software for Plagiarism checking
- Access to Online E-Resources: J-Gate/Shodhganga/E-ShodhSindhu etc
- Access to E-learning/Online Courses like SWAYAM-NPTEL
- VIT Institutional Memberships: NDLI Club Membership, DELNET, SPPU (Jayakar Knowledge Resource Centre)
- Inter Library Loan Facility (ILL) with VIIT & VU Institute
- Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Library offers membership to Industries, Corporate Houses and Organisations in the public and private sectors on request
- Membership with borrowing facility per annum ₹5000 (5 Membership Cards)
- Deposit (Refundable) for borrowing facility ₹5000
Working Hours
Circulation Section Timing
Monday to Friday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Saturday 10.00 A.M. to 06.00 P.M.
Reading Hall Timing
Monday to Saturday 08.00 A.M.
to 08.00 P.M.